Extension settings - REditorSupport/vscode-R GitHub Wiki

This page details the settings of vscode-R that can be set in VSCode's settings.json file.

Please also see recommend extensions and configurations, some useful keyboard shortcuts and the options for the language server's formatter and linter that are detailed here.

General Editor Settings

  • r.source.encoding: an optional encoding to pass to R when executing the file

  • r.source.focus: keeping focus when running (editor or terminal)

  • r.sessionWatcher: enable R session watcher

  • r.session.watchGlobalEnvironment: watch the global environment to provide hover, autocompletions, and workspace viewer information

  • r.session.levelOfObjectDetail: how much of the object to show on hover, autocompletion, and in the workspace viewer?

    Details Available options:
    • minimal: display literal values and object types only
    • detailed: display list content, data frame column values, and example values
  • r.session.emulateRStudioAPI: emulate the RStudio API for addin support and other {rstudioapi} calls

  • r.session.viewers.viewColumn: which view column should R-related webviews be displayed?

  • r.workspaceViewer.showObjectSize: show object size when hovering over a workspace viewer item

  • r.workspaceViewer.clearPrompt: prompt the user for confirmation when clearing the workspace

Executable and Terminal Settings

  • r.rterm.windows: set to R.exe path for Windows
  • r.rterm.mac: set to R term's path for Mac OS X
  • r.rterm.linux: set to R term's path for Linux
  • r.rpath.lsp: set to R.exe path for Language Server Protocol
  • r.rterm.option: R command line options (i.e: --vanilla)
  • r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal: use active terminal for all commands, rather than creating a new R terminal
  • r.bracketedPaste: for consoles supporting bracketed paste mode (such as Radian)
  • r.rtermSendDelay: delay in milliseconds before sending each line to rterm (only applies if r.bracketedPaste is false)

Plot Settings

  • r.plot.useHttpgd: use the httpgd-based plot viewer instead of the base VSCode-R plot viewer
  • r.plot.defaults.colorTheme: which color theme to use when launching the plot viewer
  • r.plot.defaults.plotPreviewLayout: how to display plot previews if more than one row required
  • r.plot.defaults.fullWindowMode: whether to use full window mode when launching the plot viewer
  • r.plot.timing.resizeInterval: interval in ms to wait between plot resizes
  • r.plot.timing.refreshInterval: interval in ms to wait between plot refreshs
  • r.plot.customStyleOverwrites: path to a custom CSS file to be used when r.plot.defaults.colorTheme is 'vscode'. Replaces the default CSS overwrites!

Data viewer Settings

  • r.session.data.rowLimit: The maximum number of rows to be displayed in the data viewer. 0 means no limit.

R Markdown Settings

  • r.rmarkdown.enableCodeLens: enable RMarkdown CodeLens, which are inline commands/buttons e.g. 'Run Chunk | Run Above' shown on the first line of each code chunk.

    • Click the buttons to run commands.
    • Hover on the buttons to show tooltips.
    • CodeLens commands are customizable via settings UI (Rmarkdown: Code Lens commands) or settings.json r.rmarkdown.codeLensCommands
  • r.rmarkdown.codeLensCommands: Customize RMarkdown CodeLens, which are inline commands/buttons e.g. 'Run Chunk | Run Above' shown on the first line of each code chunk.

    Details Available commands:
    • r.selectCurrentChunk

    • r.runCurrentChunk

    • r.runAboveChunks

    • r.runCurrentAndBelowChunks

    • r.runBelowChunks

    • r.runAllChunks

    • r.runPreviousChunk

    • r.runNextChunk

    • r.goToPreviousChunk

    • r.goToNextChunk

      Customize both the commands AND its orders (that is, CodeLens respect user-specified orders). Default commands:

    • r.runCurrentChunk

    • r.runAboveChunks

    • <Add item...>

  • r.rmarkdown.chunkBackgroundColor: RMarkdown chunk background color in RGBA or RGB value.


    Defaults to rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1). Leave it empty to disable it (use default editor background color). Reload VS Code after changing settings. Learn how to set colors: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_colors_rgb.asp

    Examples for syntax rgba(<red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha>):

    • rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)
    • rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.3)
    • rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.1)
  • r.rmarkdown.preview.autoRefresh: Enable automatic refresh of R Markdown preview on file update.

Live Share Settings

  • r.liveShare.timeout: time in milliseconds before aborting attempt to connect to Live Share API
  • r.liveShare.defaults.commandForward: default boolean value for guest command forwarding.
  • r.liveShare.defaults.shareWorkspace: default boolean value for sharing the R workspace with guests
  • r.liveShare.defaults.shareBrowser: default boolean value for automatically sharing R browser ports with guests

Language server settings

The following settings could be set up to deviate from the default behavior:

  • r.lsp.enabled: Enable the R language server (default).
  • r.rpath.windows, r.rpath.mac, r.rpath.linux: Path to R binary for launching the R Language Server package (see below). Examples: /usr/bin/R (Linux/macOS), C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-4.1.0\\bin\\x64\\R.exe (Windows). If the settings are left blank (default), then the R path will be detected from the PATH environment variable and Windows registry. It should be vanilla R rather than radian console.
  • r.lsp.args: The command line arguments to use when launching R Language Server. Example: --vanilla to disable loading startup scripts such as .Rprofile and Rprofile.site.
  • r.lsp.debug: Enable debugging traces. Defaults to false. Set this to true if you are having trouble getting the Language Server working.
  • r.lsp.diagnostics: Enable linting of R code, using the lintr package. Defaults to true. To disable this, you must have at least version 0.2.7 of the R Language Server installed.
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