Code linting - REditorSupport/vscode-R GitHub Wiki

R code linting (diagnostics) is provided by lintr via language server and is enabled by default.

To disable diagnostics, you might add the following to the VS Code settings:

  "r.lsp.diagnostics": false

However, you will not be notified if syntax errors in the code are detected.

To customize the linting behavior, edit the global lintr config file at ~/.lintr, or project-specific lintr config file at ${workspaceFolder}/.lintr.

The following are some examples:

  • Only detect syntax errors:
linters: list()

Adjust the number of characters in each line for line_length_linter and disable commented_code_linter.

linters: linters_with_defaults(
    commented_code_linter = NULL
  • Only use specified linters:
linters: list(

Visit Individual linters for a complete list of supported linters.

Visit the Configuring linters for a complete guide to customizing lintr config regarding the list of linters and file or line exclusions.