Generating New Commander Artifacts and DD Wiki - RESOStandards/web-api-commander GitHub Wiki

There is a process for generating new artifacts, such as reference metadata, tests, DDL scripts, and the DD Wiki. Currently, some steps are manual and some automated.

The process works as outlined on the following diagram (see attached PDFs for links):

RESO Data Dictionary Review Process

RESO Data Dictionary Review Process.pdf

Outline of Process

  1. Make a copy of the reference Google sheet for that version. For example, DD 2.0 is here.
  2. Make any changes you want to in the copy of the sheet and then submit them with a ticket on the Commander repo once ready to merge.
  3. At this point, a PR is opened, the Google sheet is frozen, and pre-flight checks will be run and artifacts generated, then additional tests run. An additional commit will be made with the generated artifacts, and retested.
  4. Wiki generator is run. It's going to generate more artifacts (updated sheet).
  5. Update Commander artifacts. Run tests again.
  6. Copy the sheet that was committed to the Commander and backfill it to the Google sheet.
  7. Google sheet is unfrozen.