mugui - RDeRenzi/mujpy GitHub Wiki


# constants
self.TauMu_mus = 2.1969811 # numbers are from Particle Data Group 2017
self.TauPi_ns = 2.6033 # numbers are from Particle Data Group 2017
self.gamma_Mu_MHzperT = 3.183345142*C['proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi'][0]
self.gamma_e_MHzperT = C['electron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi'][0]
# classes
musr2py, muisis2py read information from standard PSI and ISIS data formats, bin, mdu, nxs
musuite  loads data instances, to produce asymmetry and asymmetry errors according to groups and grouping
mufit performs a Minuit fit of the asymmetries selected in musuite; includes sequential and global fits
mucomponents offers a library of components and their cost function, to be used in the fit function
mufitplot plots best fit (or guess) function overlayed on data
mufftplot produces fft of (partial) residues
# libraries
aux general utilities
plot plotting utilities
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