Spark Backend - RConsortium/ddR GitHub Wiki

Based on our discussions we have decided to use sparklyR for our spark backend. The following data structures need to be implemented

Currently sparklyR only support data frames. We would need to call spark primitives from the apache spark library by invoking static api class.

The following files would be created to implement a spark backend

  • zzz.R will be responsible for initialization of the backend with .onAttach.
  • driver.R contains all logic for the driver code with methods like do_mapply, shutdown etc.
  • object.R will contains methods like get_parts, do_collect and combine.
  • utils.R will contain all the utility methods for handling rdds.
  • ops.R will contains the implementations for rbind, cbindetc.

Data Structures


Basic functionalities like rbind, cbind could be achieved by using sdf_bind_rows and sdf_bind_cols. names and colnames are supported out of the box by the sparklyr api. Summary operations like colSums, colMeans, rowSums, sum, mean can be implemented by checking if the columns are numeric.

dlist and darray

Currently rdd support is not available in sparklyr. This would mean to access org.apache.spark.api.r.RRDD class by invoking java objects in sparklyr. Initial implementation of this can be found here. darray could be potentially built using spark distributed matrix api.



Given below the signature of dmapply

           output.type = c("dlist","dframe","darray","sparse_darray"),


For dlist and drray we would like to expose combine with all options on spark. However dframe we would only expose the default as the combine option.

Partitions (nparts)

Currently the way ddr is by assembling chunks into distributed lists, matrices, and dataframes through (key, chunk) pairs. These chunks are list, matrices or dataframes which are stitched back together after data processing. This allows a user to gain fine grained control over the way data is portioned over nodes.

We would want spark to manage this as the number of partitions are same number of blocks as you see in HDFS (for preserving data locality) or number of CPU cores, which done as default.

We would like to keep nparts to be NULL by default. This would preserve sparks internal partitioning system.


Spark currently supports lapply however this operation is not lazy.