VelmaStartLWR - RCPRG-ros-pkg/velma_robot GitHub Wiki
Installation from sources
- Download script script file (use save as)
- Copy friComm.h to the same directory
- open console
- source ros setup
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
- go to the directory where is downloaded
- change the mode
chmod +x
- Run the script with destination directory as an argument. [It automatically downloads and install entire workspace.]
./ ~/ws_velma
Turning on the system
- Adjust the Velma torso so that both red triangles point each other.
- Turn on the GN4 fuse (it is in 032 fuse box at top-right corner). The lwr-controller PC starts up instantly.
- Turn on both Kuka controllers by turning the switch from "O" to "I".
- Find and get Emergency Stops for Kuka and the torso. Turn the Emergency Stop switches off.
On both panels:
- Wait several minutes for "PowerOn Finished" message.
- You can change focus between windows with images/velma_focus.png button.
- To remove all error messages from the console, focus on the console and click "Ackn. All" button (in the bottom).
- Rotate the key to "Automatic" position: images/velma_auto.png
- Choose "fri_start" program and run it with Select button.
- Turn on drive power stage with images/velma_poweron.png button (top-right). The "I" sign in the bottom of the window should change color from red to green.
- Push and hold images/velma_continue.png button untill the robot is turns on.
- Push and hold the same button again untill the program starts running. [All 3 icons in the bottom should be green now.]
On PC:
- Use ssh to log in on lwr-controller:
ssh lwr-controller
- Set up environment variables:
source ~/ws_velma/underlay/devel/setup.bash
- Check if you are permmited to execute xenomai processes (your user have to be added to xenomai group)
- Run launch file:
roslaunch velma_controller velma_controler.launch
Wait till synchronization of torso and head is completed
Use ssh to log in on lwr-controller in another terminal:
ssh lwr-controller
- Set up environment variables:
source ~/ws_velma/underlay/devel/setup.bash
- Run script:
rosrun velma_controller