Issues - R41D3NN/eclipse.jdt.ui GitHub Wiki
Hover preview of code folds doesn't show the proper code. Portions are cut out.
- Resolved On: June 27, 2013
Nested code blocks are skipped and do not become folded.
- Resolved On: June 27, 2013
Code fold omits the last brace.
- Resolved On: June 27, 2013
"For" code blocks are not folded.
- Resolved On: June 29, 2013
"Synchronized" code blocks are not folded.
- Resolved On: June 29, 2013
"Unnamed" code blocks does not have a preference selection.
- Resolved On: June 29, 2013
"Unnamed" code blocks preference is not initialized in DefaultJavaFoldingStructureProvider.
- Resolved On: June 29, 2013
"Unhandled event loop exception" and "Failed to create the part's controls" caused by NullPointerException in block folding calculations. Causes the Java file editor to not open the file for editing.
- Resolved On: July 19, 2013
Comment block cause a cascading effect where any general block folding no longer works. The folds become offset improperly. This issue seems to only occur when the top level element of the region is a function and that function starts with a comment of any type.
- Resolved On: July 27, 2013
When braces are not on the same line as the statement there will be a projection duplication on the next line due to unnamed blocks.
if (true) {
// This is parsed normally.
else if (false) // This is parsed as a conditional block
// This is parsed as an unnamed block
When an @annotation follows a comment on the same line, following JavaAnnotations will be offset incorrectly. Similar to Issue 008, but not as prolific.
When collapsing folds, the collapse button in the gutter does not always change to an expand button. Functionality still works though.
When an anonymous inner type is declared on a new line after the declaration, there will be two JavaAnnotations generated. Functionality still works though.