2. Gathering Pertinent Information - R-division-2021-2022-odd/Repo-05 GitHub Wiki

Pertinent Information

Need Statement

An engineering college is planning to make a systematic arrangement for it's students of various departments to provide them with drill bits of different sizes in order to minimize human effort involved with it . Design an automatic drill bit dispenser machine for the same.

What is Dispenser ?

A dispensing machine is an automated machine that provides items such as product to user after cash, a credit card, or other forms of payment are inserted into the machine or otherwise made.[1] The first modern vending machines were developed in England in the early 1880s and dispensed postcards. Vending machines exist in many countries and, in more recent times, specialized vending machines that provide less common products compared to traditional vending machine items have been created.

Growth of the Machine

The earliest known reference to a vending machine is in the work of Hero of Alexandria, an engineer, and mathematician in first-century Roman Egypt. His machine accepted a coin and then dispensed holy water.[2] When the coin was deposited, it fell upon a pan attached to a lever. The lever opened a valve which let some water flow out. The pan continued to tilt with the weight of the coin until it fell off, at which point a counterweight snapped the lever up and turned off the valve. As time passes and as modernization takes place Latest technology have been placed which are more efficient and sure when compared to years back. The recent ones are installed in the streets , providing a wide variety of features and options for the user. All thanks to the latest technology and inovations.

Some dispenser machines

Candy dispenser machine

Vending machine

Working Mechanism

A drill bit dispenser includes a storage area which has a bottom opening through from where drill bits are dispensed and a front opening through which drill bits are loaded in a manner to form a vertically adjacent stacks. A drill bit dispenser mechanism successfully dispenses the lower most drill bit stacked in the storage area through the bottom opening by mechanism including a rotatable shaft which vertically extends within the storage area to divide the storage area into vertical stacks and column . A control page is fixed to the lower end of the rotatable shaft to control the operation of a pair of pivotally mounted doors positioned below the vertical stacks .As these doors opens and closes upon the rotation of the shaft , the lowermost article in the storage area gets dispensed . Along with the dispensing mechanism , the dispenser includes the holder mechanism which includes a holding surface portion which extends from one side of the rotatable shaft to frictionally engage the adjacent article in one stack to hold the article between the holding surface portion and the inner surface of the storage area , and a a projection extending from the shaft. The holder mechanism further includes a pushing member in the direction opposite to the direction of such projection, the pushing member acting to guide the lowermost article in a stack towards the outside of storage area bottom opening .

Major Components required :

SI no name of parts function of that part images cost's
1 servo motors for the box coming out and in servo motor reference 3 max 300rs
2 arduino for storing programs Arduino reference 4 800rs
3 cardboard or wood for building the model NR 100rs
4 breadboard for circuit building breadboard reference 5 100rs



  1. https://youtu.be/Z5GADxTa1sA
  2. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=1sfz5uO1&id=DC63BA22802DC327810F30CF39D36B924CB58C6D&thid=OIP.1sfz5uO1tu7j8cHp03SfIQHaLH&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fdygtyjqp7pi0m.cloudfront.net%2fi%2f39269%2f34310517_1.jpg%3fv%3d8D733B19F3408F0&exph=1800&expw=1200&q=vending+machine&simid=607988406634770696&FORM=IRPRST&ck=C6232400199F777A1BD2A52A001CA8A6&selectedIndex=61&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0