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Team 14 Project Information :

--------------------|Whack the button|----------------------

In, this project of Game Machine we are going to design a machine which would give user a new and wonderful experience. The concept of this game is basically taken from a traditional game named 'Whack the Mole'. We have just modified the concept of that game and have turned up with the new thing in which we will be using modern days(today’s) components to just add upon the spice and follow up and last days' games as to maintain its essence.

Accept the Aspects

This game will help or make user active and reactive.
As the game goes on it makes the user blend into it.
Game is designed in such a way that it increases alertness of human brain and also increases the reflex of the body.

The major part of this game machine will be the brain of the machine in this case it is Arduino.

As the whole thing is basically oriented around code; therefore that will decide the completeness of the machine. The whole user experience and control system are dipped towards and exist only because of the 'CODE'.

The original 'Whack the Mole'

whack a mole

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