2.Conceptual Generation and product architecture - R-division-2020-2021-even/Repo-10 GitHub Wiki


Sl.no Functions from User Perspective Functions from Designer Perspective
1 Sterilize the petri-plate Sense the petri-plate
2 Fill the media automatically Hold the petri-plates in a pattern
3 Maintain the biomedical condition Wash the petri-plates using the chemicals and sterilize them
4 Separate the useful and useless petri-plates for loading the media
5 Move the useful petri-plates for loading the media
6 Load media into the sterilized petri-plates
7 Stop loading after filling media into petri-plates
8 Pass loaded petri-plates using conveyer belts for packing

B)Function Tree

Petri plate loading machine

Handling Interaction Indicator
Take the petri-plate Clean the petri-plate Machine is ON/OFF
Hold the petri-plate Load the media into petri-plate Process completion
Separate the petri-plate Check the quantity of media filled
Stop loading media Back to initial loading mechanism

C) Morphological Chart

D)Concepts designs

Design Concept 1

Design concept 2

Design concept 3

Design concept 4

Summary of Design Concepts

Design Concepts 1 and 2 are the highly space consuming machines. Design 1 works on the principle of biomedical condition for the sterile maintenance of the media. Both design 1 and 2 are on the conveyer and roller belts and DC motor has been used for the easy conveying of loading process. Whereas, for Design 3 and 4 are on the peristaltic pumps are used for loading mechanism. Design 3 and 4 are useful in mass loading of the media into petri plates.

Function Clustering

Sub-systems Identified

Sl.no Sub-systems
1. Process of handling petri plates
2. Loading unit
3. Interface unit

Interaction details between sub systems

Subsystem 1 Handling Unit Loading unit Interface unit
Energy ---- ---- ----
Data ---- ----
Material True ---- ----
Subsystem 2 Handling unit Loading unit Interface unit
Energy ---- ---- ----
Data ---- True ----
Material True ---- ----
Subsystem 3 Handling unit Loading unit Interface unit
Energy ---- ---- ----
Data ---- ---- True
Material True True ----