1.TEAM INFORMATION - R-Division-2022-2023-Odd/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

SHREYAS MALIMATH 01fe22bec279 1842 [email protected] +91 8431974166
SAHIL VADAKANNAVAR 01fe22bee116 1870 [email protected] +91 9380879017
SNEHA RATAGAL 01fe22bee112 1864 [email protected] +91 7019118750
DHANESHWARI PRAKASH HANAGANDI 01fe22bcs294 1803 [email protected] +91 9663251836
VINAYAK S TODAKAR 01fe22bec280 1843 [email protected] +91 9743081684


The opportunity to explore materials and discover their potential is constantly evolving. An inquisitive and curious mind is needed to ensure that materials continue to push creative boundaries while still remaining functional under the decorative we deal with the project using components of mechatronics. The goal of this module is to move from defining the problem to designing a solution. We begin by learning about the exploration phase, and we will exit this phase with a number of design concepts for peer review. We also learn how to decompose a design to evaluate its overall function, and essential process in creating good design essential to the life of our design. Finally, we learn how to critically examine past design artifacts to inform our current concepts so that we can sensibly differentiate our product. From this we build trust among our team mates, which also helps in the personality development and with individual self confidence and co ordination among us.