Flask Configuration - QuinnBast/SaskTel-Communication-Portal GitHub Wiki

Configuring Flask

Our Flask application is created so that configuring the application is easy. Note: If any of the configuration settings are changed, the Flask application needs to be stopped and restarted in order for changes to take effect.

The Flask application is configured through three different configuration files:

Config.py - For generic configuration settings.
DevelopmentConfig.py - For settings that are applied when running the FLask server as a development server.
ProductionConfig.py - For settings that are applied when running the Flask in a production environment.

General Configuration Settings

The Config.py file is used to configure most of the settings for the application. The settings that can be configured are farily detailed within the file, however a list of the settings, potential values, and explanations are provided below.

Configuration Name Explanation Example
username_domain The domain that is appended to usernames when attempting to login. Note: "@" symbol is required. "@yahoo.com"
logging If the Flask server outputs any information to a log file. True/False
logging_level How much information is output to the log files?
flaskLog.DEBUG - Send all messages to the log.
flaskLog.INFO - Send everything but debug messages (Reccommended).
flaskLog.WARNING - Log all messages except Debug and Info messages.
flaskLog.ERROR - Only log error and critical messages.
flaskLog.CRITICAL - Only log critical messages.
verbose If the Flask server outputs any information to the console. True/False
logging_level How much information is output to the console?
flaskLog.DEBUG - Send all messages to the console.
flaskLog.INFO - Send everything but debug messages (Reccommended).
flaskLog.WARNING - Output all messages except Debug and Info messages.
flaskLog.ERROR - Only output error and critical messages.
flaskLog.CRITICAL - Only output critical messages.
broadsoft_uri The base url that will be accessed when sending API requests http://reqres.in/api/login
JWT_COOKIE_CSRF_PROTECT If tokens are protected with CSRF protection True/False
JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION Where to look for a JWT when processing a request. The options are 'headers', 'cookies', 'query_string', or 'json'. You can pass in a sequence or a set to check more then one location, such as: ('headers', 'cookies'). ['cookies']
JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA The time to keep a JWT Token alive for before expiring a user's token. Must be a Python datetime.timeDelta object. datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES The time to keep a JWT access token alive for before expiring the user's access. Must be a Python datetime.timedelta object. datetime.timedelta(hours=2)

Development Configuration Settings

Running the project in a development server poses less threats and may also require security functinoality that doesn't exist when developing the project. These settings can be configured in the DevelopmentConfig.py file. As a result, these settings may be lacking in security features which would otherwise be used in a production system. DO NOT USE THESE SETTINGS IN A PRODUCTION BUILD.

Configuration Name Explanation Example
JWT_COOKIE_SECURE If JWT tokens have to be sent over an HTTPS connection. True
JWT_SECRET_KEY The secret key which is used to encrypt JWT data into the token. This should be kept private for a production server. Generate a secret key here. "SecretKey"
environment What Flask server environment to use 'Dev'

Production Configuration Settings

Running the project in a production setting requires a stricter set of security settings and as a result, these settings put those requirements into place. These settings can be changed in the ProductionConfig.py file.

Configuration Name Explanation Example
JWT_COOKIE_SECURE If JWT tokens have to be sent over an HTTPS connection. True
JWT_SECRET_KEY The secret key which is used to encrypt JWT data into the token. This should be kept private for a production server. Generate a secret key here. "SecretKey"
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