Creating Transforms - Quefumas/gensound GitHub Wiki

Using aliasing/Transform Chain

Suppose there is one kind of reverb which should be applied to several tracks. It is then convenient to declare:

R = Reverb(...)


track1 *= R
track2 *= R

Then we can easily experiment with different types of Reverb just by changing the first line.

This is limited but is still quite useful, as we can combine several Transforms into one:

postFX = LowPassFilter(...)*Compress(...)*Reverb(...)

And then reuse this transform chain as if it's a single Transform.

Passing a Signal to a function in order to simulate a Transform

We can use a function to perform more complex manipulations of a signal, returning another signal as a result. Here is a basic example:

# This works, but there is a better way below
def BasicDelay(sig, delay): # receives a Signal
  return sig + 0.5*sig*Shift(delay) # returns a signal

BasicDelay(WAV(kushaura), 1e3).play()

Since this goes against the entire Signal-Transform paradigm of Gensound, there is a function decorator made especially for this purpose:

from gensound import transform # lowercase, not Transform!

def BasicDelay(sig, delay): # function accepts and returns signal, just as before
  return sig + 0.5*sig*Shift(delay)

s = WAV(kushaura)*BasicDelay(1e3)
# BasicDelay is called here without its first argument, and treated like any other Transform

This works even when attaching other Transforms to the Signal, either before or after:

s = WAV(kushaura)*Reverse()*BasicDelay(1e3)*Reverse() # this works

But does not yet work within an independent Transform Chain, as described previously on this page:

transforms = BasicDelay(1e3)*Reverse() # not yet implemented

TODO make function transforms chainable

Subclassing Transform

This approach is required whenever actual manipulation of the audio samples is needed, and it's not hard at all, though it requires some familiarity with the Audio class, which is invisible to casual users. Briefly explained, Audio is a wrapper for an instance of numpy.ndarray (audio property), having shape (num_channels, num_samples), and provides additional functions.

Two functions need to be overridden: __init__ and realise. The former typically saves arguments to instance variables, and the second performs the audio manipulation directly on the given argument (no return value). As an example, take a simplified version of the Downsample transform:

class Downsample_example(Transform):
    """ Make every nth sample override the next (n-1) samples.
    For example, if n = 4, samples 1, 2, 3 will all be set to sample 0,
    then samples 5, 6, 7 will be set to sample 4, etc.
    This process is also called 'decimation'.
    def __init__(self, n=2):
        self.n = n # save to instance
    def realise(self, audio):
        l = audio.length - audio.length % self.n
        # ignore last samples if number of samples is not divisible by n
        for i in range(1, self.n):
  [:,i::self.n] =[:,0:l:self.n] # override samples at location (n*k+i)