v0.3.1 - QueensGambit/CrazyAra GitHub Wiki
Strength Evaluation v0.3.1
CrazyAra 0.3.1 played multiple world champion Justin Tan (LM JannLee) at 18:00 GMT on 21st December in five official matches and won 4-1. You can find a detailed report about the past event published by okei here:
Hardware Setup
- Memory (RAM): 31,4 GiB
- Processor - AMD® Ryzen 7 1700 eight-core processor × 16
- Graphics - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
- OS type - 64-bit
It was tried to give all engines the best possible settings for achieving the greatest strength on this hardware. If there was an option of setting a hash size it was set to 4096mb. (Temporary) position learning and opening books have been enabled for TjChess 1.3. If there was an option of the number of threads which was the case for Stockfish and CrazyAra it was set to 8.
The Alpha-Beta engines except Stockfish achieved a Node per Seconds of 700k-2 Mio. Stockfish had 8 Mio NPS.
CrazyAra v0.3.1 using MCTS had a Node per Seconds of 300 using both CPU and GPU.
On CPU only using MXNET-mkl on a Intel® Core™ i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz × 8 it achieved a NPS of 70.
All these matches have been conducted using 5min/40 moves time control. Each engine played 34 games in a round robin tournament using the cute chess gui. The matches started from opening moves based on zh-50_startpos.pgn.
Hyperparameter Settings for MCTS
all default settings for v0.3.1 except context set from cpu
to gpu
- context: gpu
- use_raw_network: False
- threads: 16
- batch_size: 8
- neural_net_services: 2
- playouts_empty_pockets: 8192
- playouts_filled_pockets: 8192
- centi_cpuct: 250
- centi_dirichlet_epsilon: 25
- centi_dirichlet_alpha: 20
- max_search_depth: 40
- centi_temperature: 7
- temperature_moves: 0
- opening_guard_moves: 7
- centi_clip_quantil: 0
- virtual_loss: 3
- centi_q_value_weight: 70
- threshold_time_for_raw_net_ms: 100
- move_overhead_ms: 300
- moves_left: 40
- extend_time_on_bad_position: True
- max_move_num_to_reduce_movetime: 4
- check_mate_in_one: False
- use_pruning: True
- use_oscillating_cpuct: False
- use_time_management: True
- verbose: False
Engine Name | Estimated Elo | Link |
Sjeng 11.2 | 2300.00 | https://github.com/gcp/sjeng, https://sjeng.org/download.html |
SjaakII 1.4.1 | 2353.87 | sudo apt-get install sjaakii, http://www.chess2u.com/t5010-sjaak |
Sunsetter 9 | 2703.39 | https://sourceforge.net/projects/sunsetter/files/latest/download |
TJchess 1.3 | 2732.58 | http://computer-chess.org/doku.php?id=computer_chess:wiki:lists:variants_engine_list |
Stockfish 2018-10-13 | 3946.06 | https://github.com/ddugovic/Stockfish |
The elo estimates are taken from according to this tournament:
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws
1 stockfish-x86_64-modern 2018-10-13 502 285 150 34 100% -96 0%
2 CrazyAra-0.3.1 71 113 105 34 59% -2 0%
3 TJchess_1.3_64bit_linux -5 104 99 34 54% -21 3%
4 Sunsetter-9 -47 100 97 34 49% -4 3%
5 sjeng -203 102 113 34 25% 63 3%
6 sjaakii -318 106 133 34 13% 60 3%
All games can be downloaded here:
Superiority Matrix
st Cr TJ Su sj sj
stockfish-x86_64-modern 2018-10-13 99 99 99 99 99
CrazyAra-0.3.1 0 82 92 99 99
TJchess_1.3_64bit_linux 0 17 71 99 99
Sunsetter-9 0 7 28 97 99
sjeng 0 0 0 2 90
sjaakii 0 0 0 0 9
The result table and superiority matrix has been created with BayesianElo.
Can CrazyAra 0.3.1 win vs Stockfish?
CrazyAra beat and drew Stockfish multiple times in 1. e4 e5
lines as white when Stockfish was only using 1 Mio NPS (1 thread) and 4096mb hash in 3min and 5min games or vs Stockfish AI lvl 8 provided by lichess.org.
He you can find three example games for this:
- https://lichess.org/study/uAJmnF3w [Game 7, 9 and 10 in the study]
CrazyAra also won a 20 min/40 moves game against Stockfish in a 1. d4 d5
line (1 thread)
- https://lichess.org/study/uAJmnF3w [Game 8 in the study]