Jupyter notebook remote connection - Quantitative-Physiological-Imaging-Lab/documentation GitHub Wiki

General Format

Open a NEW Terminal (in windows use mobaXterm) and ssh to the server or workstation by:

Logging in through the VPN (i.e., when off-campus)

ssh user@hostname i.e ssh username@perf-imglab08. Then enter password

When logging in without the VPN (i.e., on-campus)

You will likely need to add the .concordia.ca identifier to the end of the hostname ssh [email protected]

Navigate your root to where you will be working with jupyter notebook

cd directory_to_work

Load the anaconda environment (and any others that you need!)

module load anaconda3 example_module2

Start the jupyter notebook AND/OR (but mostly OR) jupyter lab kernel (this can be done within a tmux session to allow you to log out while keeping the kernel running).

jupyter notebook --port=8889 --no-browser or

jupyter lab --port=8889 --no-browser

On your local computer, open a new terminal and forward the port for your browser to use

Local address:port is listed first, then remote address:port (i.e., to <-- from)

ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@hostname

HERE's THE TRICK. On your prior tab/window/terminal (especially for Macs) replace the localhost:8889 with the local host that your computer TELLS YOU. Then enter your username@neuralabccs01 and password and go straight to opening a browser and writing, as seen below for localhost:8888

To end forwarding, simply cancel the running process with ctrl-c

Add -X at the end to enable X11 forwarding, which should allow some access to visualizations from the command line terminal available in jupyter lab. As far as I can tell, this only works if you keep your first ssh session (where you started the jupyter lab) connected and open and is as slow as native X11 forwarding :-/.

ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@hostname -X

Add -f if you do not want the ssh process to be launched in the background

ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@hostname

You can now open a browser and navigate to localhost:8888, which will connect you to Jupiter notebook

When you are finished, find the running process id in your local computer (linux) ps ax |grep ssh and kill <PID>

Then kill your remote jupyter kernel by (if you logged out) logging back in, re-opening the tmux session, and typing ctrl-c ctrl-c


Comprehensive how-tos for port forwarding magic

https://thedatafrog.com/en/remote-jupyter-notebooks/ https://www.blopig.com/blog/2018/03/running-jupyter-notebook-on-a-remote-server-via-ssh/

If you are a lazy typer/ssh-er, you might want to create a config file

This allows you to only type in "ssh your-alias"

On Linux:

Open a new terminal.

Create and edit a new config file in /.ssh by typing the command nano ~/.ssh/config

In that file, type the following:

Host "alias" (Here type any alias name that is easy to remember, will be using this to ssh)

HostName neuralabccs01

User "yourusename" (type your username)

Port 22

Save the file and exit. Now you can use ssh "alias" to connect.

Here is how the file should look:


the appropriate directory of this file will depend on your operating system, so use google.

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