New Account - QuantGen/HPCC GitHub Wiki

To get access to the HPCC:

  1. New user needs to request a NetID:
  2. New user needs to complete IRB training at
  3. PI needs to request an HPCC account at
  4. PI needs to request the new user to be added to the quantgen group at
  5. One of the coordinators of the quantgen Slurm account needs to add the new user to the buy-in account: sacctmgr add user account=quantgen name=USERNAME (to get a list of coordinators: sacctmgr list account name=quantgen WithCoordinator).
  6. New user needs to change his default Slurm account from general to quantgen: sacctmgr modify user where user=USERNAME set defaultaccount=quantgen.
  7. New user needs to enable the quantgen shared configuration: