9 28 2020 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII)
21-Sep-2020 Report, meeting, fix 5.0 unable to update file issue, review style issues, investigate login/logout issue 2 1
23-Sep-2020 Investigate drupal8 #11 - add optin email 2
24-Sep-2020 Add ldap and user.data updates behind interface for #11 2
25-Sep-2020 Debug/test opt-in and password change, add opt-in to user login report, style updates for Dataverse, fix replace - keep file name, debug search position/panel overlap issues. 4 1
27-Sep-2020 DV style fixes, smtp module update, make space for drupal install 2



  • Added a basic email opt-in mechanism. Yes/No option appears in registration form and in the profile update form (/user). Using the 'employeeType' LDAP field with 'affiliate' as the value to indicate 'yes'.
  • Added the opt-in value to the loginhistory report.
  • Noticed that the profile still had the username and email as editable. Spent some time trying to find a good way to not allow changes. (Complicated by the fact that when those fields are hidden, all changes are disallowed by Drupal's core and our qdr modules never see the request.)
  • Updated the smtp module on dev


  • Worked through the list of 5.0 functionality and styling issues. Comments in the doc. Determined that the login/logout issues were related to server restarts vs. something that could occur spontaneously.
  • Updated file replace to keep the filename/extension of the incoming file.
  • Discovered that the 5.0 merge had broken prior fixes that avoided buttons being unclicakable due to being behind a transparent panel and the search panel not being indented to match the results panel. Fixed both issues.


  • Noticed that dev Drupal8 502 errors have reappeared (or weren't as fixed as we thought - this is the first time I've been doing a lot of installs, cache refreshes, etc. since the last 502 errors).
  • Had an error installing D8 due to disk space. Not clear why df showed only ~72% used, but removing old builds resolved the problem. (Also removed some older /backup/rollback/ entries, where ~95% of the space was used). (This has happened before since I don't think D8 removes old rollback instances automatically yet, but I'm reporting it in part since I'm curious as to why df shows a relatively low number).


  • Finish disallowing username/email changes via the profile form.
  • Work through any additional v5.0 issues /opt-in changes
  • Create PRs related to recent work, Google Cloud Archiver

Still TBD:

  • Drupal 9

For Discussion

  • JWT from DataCite available for test server?
  • GeoLite2 db request status?
  • Changes to opt-in language, styling, etc.?
  • Archiving: RDA work: was just able to import Bag via DVUploader, so we have a proof-of-concept of restoring an archived dataset. This effort is likely to result in some changes to ORE/Bags, such as not having a data/<title> subdir in Bags (requested by DANS), being able to include original versus ingested files in Bags, etc. Will probably need to make some decisions w.r.t. including 'legacy bag' support, having options in Bag creation, or just re-exporting existing Bags. Will hopefully have a list of specific issues soon.
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