8 8 2022 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII) Hours (QDAS)
1-Aug-2022 Report, Mtg, create v5.11.1-qdr update, deploy to stage, test fixes on dev 2
2-Aug-2022 Update Drupal/DV on prod for 5.11.1, investigate deleted file/dataset activity in July to verify no issues, coord re: backups. 3
3-Aug-2022 Drupal 9.4.5 core sec update, pathauto, token, deploy to dev/stage 1
5-Aug-2022 Deploy/test ORE/Bag updates 2


  • Deployed v5.11.1 fixes to prod, investigated activity to assure no consequences form the bugs in 5.11


  • Updated Drupal core and a couple modules and deployed to dev/stage - no reason to rush to prod


  • Deployed/tested ORE/Bag updates coming from Harvard Data Commons and related work on dev.


  • QDAS Previewer - next priorities? W.r.t. edit - would writing a lower-sensitivity version of the project file as an auxiliary object make sense (as the Open Differential Privacy project does?)


  • AnnoRep - continue to explore/fix docx/pdf github issues
    • Deploy updates to dev/stage/prod
  • Dataverse
    • Popup info accessibility - IQSS likes the recommendations from the source I linked to, so this can be implemented along those lines.
    • Still want to investigate the guestbook responses re version info not being included.
  • QDAS Previewer
    • Updates per request/Investigate writing aux file/previewing lower-sensitivity version
  • TBD: FRDR Security
  • Other tasks as discussed in strategic planning