8 28 2023 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
Logged Tasks
Date | Task | Hours (Main) | Hours (EOLS) | Hours (PII) | Hours (QDAS) |
21-Aug-2023 | Reporting, meeting, investigate reported issues on stage with creating new acccounts/login to DV, fix history node issue and missing email in DV OIDC | 6 | |||
22-Aug-2023 | Investigate reported failures on stage - fix bad DV deploy, investigate Keycloak config, Drupal changes to address ignored T&C acceptance, add validation for I agree checkbox on T&C | 6 | |||
23-Aug-2023 | Review security notices, update D10 compat check module, investigate RSS, turn off theme debugging to make rss work (see #33), check D10 compatibility - send note in slack, Fix stage Keycloak config causing recurring T&C page, uninstall qdr_sso and shib_auth modules to stop warnings. | 4 | |||
24-Aug-2023 | Fix additional consentver=0 from keycloak issue, fix DV request access dialog login link with old shib info, review other 5.14 update instructions, fix settings, doc changes. | 3 | |||
25-Aug-2023 | Update citation block on dev, stage, solr schema, reindex, investigate finddeep issue for corrupt datasets, quiet logging for fulltext index file access failures | 2 |
- Change settings, reinstall citation block, update solr schema, reindex on stage per 5.14 instructions
- Investigate early corrupt datasets that will now cause indexing to fail
- Investigate issues on stage and fix re: redirect to history page (with number), missing email, repeating Terms&Condition page, bad login link in request access dialog
- Add validation for T&C page accept checkbox
- Uninstall shib_auth and qdr_sso modules
- Update D10 compatibility check module, check/report findings
- Investigate RSS feed, turn off twig debugging to make feed readable
- Stop writing stack trace for full-text indexing failures
- For stage/prod - should have a way to keep Keycloak admin console firewalled
- ORCID - Just looks like we need an account from which to create the App credentials needed.
- Support testing as needed
- Keycloak login styling
- Handle ORCID error w.r.t email not being public or add warnings/guidance
- Fix #113 if possible
- Matomo - investigate event-level tracking via tag manager, remove non-working google scripts
- AnnoRep - explore round-trip, configure auto-start and log rotation
- Ops
- Clean out old corrupt test datasets
- check missing globalidcreationdates and fix via /modifyRegistration or alternative
- Dataverse
- Track ADA guestbook branch and merge when working, Make PR for guestbook adding datasetversion fix, deploy to stage
- Popup info accessibility - IQSS likes the recommendations from the source I linked to, so this can be implemented along those lines.
- Drupal - v10 - review compatibility and start updates.
- QDAS Previewer
- Updates per request
- Investigate writing aux file/previewing lower-sensitivity version and/or other write options
- TBD: FRDR Security