8 2 2021 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII)
26-Jul-2021 Report, meeting, coord re: AnnoRep file upload mimetype/Hypothesis api call, change to only curators+ see status tags, test mysql 5.7+, investigate config_sync dir compatibility issue/known bugs in upgrade status module. 3 1
30-Jul-2021 Debug/fix status display update #63, add email upon dataset create #62, debug/fix status menu issues w.r.t. no setting, other roles. 6



  • Testing mysql update to 5.7.x - no problems
  • Deployed Dataverse updates to stage for testing


  • Fixed #63; dataset page doesn't update status label
  • Added curator email when dataset is created
  • Investigated/fixed issues w.r.t. curation status menu logic when labels aren't enabled/users can direct publish in the PR at IQSS (Note these are not yet on prod, but shouldn't affect QDR's use case.)


  • Investigated upgrade status module, i.e. warnings about config sync directory and think I've fixed the problem (however a known bug keeps the warning from going away after the problem is fixed)


  • Coordinated with To about the Dataverse API and sending appropriate mimetypes for docx and pdf files.



  • Anno-Rep work
    • Answer open question re metadata api
  • Drupal 9 - continue going through upgrade processes
    • check/test the Mysql update on dev
  • Dataverse
    • start v5.6 merging
    • still want to investigate the guestbook responses re version info not being included.
  • Deploy D8 and DV 5.5-qdr3 to prod (done today)
  • TBD: FRDR Security
  • Investigate lead-curator role/reporting options