6 6 2022 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII) Hours (QDAS)
31-May-2022 Report, meeting, coord re: storJ 2
1-Jun-2022 Coord with storJ re: production and DCM presentation, test qdas and video previewers over storJ, quick review of PID reports 1
2-Jun-2022 Update Drupal core, modules on dev/stage 1


  • Updated Drupal core to 9.3.15, honeypot, content access modules, deployed to dev/stage.


  • Coordinated with storJ re: production and Dataverse Community Meeting talk,
  • Tested video and qdas previewers over storJ (worked, qdas maybe slower than normal s3?)
  • Fixed license uris on prod to point to prod versions (June 3)
  • Quickly scanned PID reports



  • storJ - production required adding a payment method, configuring new bucket, setting up backup
  • v5.11 release is coming - planning for update
  • (from last time)
    • Large upload 504 on stage (< 5minutes) - should it be lengthened/is it longer on prod?
    • Fix for /srv/glassfish/dataverse/* backup?
    • File storage pricing re: qdas / priority of improving performance for s3


  • AnnoRep - continue to explore/fix docx/pdf github issues
    • Deploy updates to dev/stage/prod
  • Dataverse
    • Popup info accessibility - IQSS likes the recommendations from the source I linked to, so this can be implemented along those lines.
    • QDAS planning/design/prototyping
      • Investigate performance of community zip previewer
      • Add error handling for format variations
      • Assess whether zip access is enough/project/other files need to be cached as aux files, etc.
    • Still want to investigate the guestbook responses re version info not being included.
  • TBD: FRDR Security
  • Other tasks as discussed in strategic planning