5 20 2024 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII) Hours (QDAS)
6-May-2024 Reporting, meeting, investigate stage failure, restart, add metering, test login, coord re: options with IQSS 2
7-May-2024 Remove metering, try blocking ~60 IP addresses, fix mistaken blocking of nagios 1
8-May-2024 Continue DataCite updates, investigate all duplicate accounts, investigate login_history csv issue 2
9-May-2024 Try timeout fixes for csv failure, coord re workaround, delete all prod users marked for delete, check Dv accounts, make notes, ID all other dupes, decide on name change, develop ldap sed scripts to change 5
10-May-2024 Develop mysql, postgres scripts, add all new mail and pid settings/passwords, update keycloak-orcid jar for prod, update qdr-keycloak prod w/o push, coord re: scheduling, set up banner, verify schema.xml and tsv files are ready, investigate, fix login_history - verify not a timeout with php test script, fix with memory_limit update, continue DataCite updates -rights, descriptions, geoLocations. 7
13-May-2024 Finish first pass through new DataCite fields, prep for prod install 2
14-May-2024 Deploy all to prod, fix more duplicates, investigate/fix roleassignments issue, reindex 4
15-May-2024 Investigate failing dataset delete, commit DataCite xml changes, check prod indexing 4
16-May-2024 Create PR #10566 re dataset delete issue, attend HEAL ARDA call, coord re LocalContext mtg 2
17-May-2024 Deploy/test dataset delete and reingest PRs on dev/stage, coord, deploy DataCite updates on dev for testing, start creating unit tests. 3
18-May-2024 Fix errors to get minimal xml to print for DataCite, investigate/fix h2 db corrupt file 1


  • Investigated stage failure, turned on metering as a test/to slow access (works but impacts all anon users), switched to blocking IPs (broke/fixed nagios access)
  • Investigate/fix reported login_history failure on prod - fixed by increasing memory to 256M in php.ini and restarting php8.1-fpm service
  • Updated prod to the latest Dataverse, Drupal, Keycloak, switched to new config settings for PID provider and mail, using password aliases
  • Investigated/fixed H2 db corruption on dev (deleting db dir along with generated and osgi-cache, restarting payara and redeploying)


  • Removed obsolete user accounts, create scripts to change ldap, postgres, and mysql db usernames for accounts with name collisions
  • Changed all user accounts to use non-email account names
  • Created new Keycloak docker-compose.yml with latest ORCID jar (using ORCID as account name)
  • Found/fixed more ldap-only accounts with name collisions
  • Investigated/fixed permissions issue on all machines (roleassignments table uses the account name and had to be updated to match account name changes)


  • Updated prod to Drupal 10.2.6, latest upgrade module


  • Investigated/fixed bug causing dataset delete to fail with 2+ files. PR #10566
  • Investigated/fixed bug in reingest from file page (was not working)
  • Deployed fixes to dev/stage
  • Finished initial updates to ~mirror OpenAire output to send to DataCite, adding support for initial dataset registration and file PIDs
  • Started DataCite testing on dev and by creating unit tests


  • Attended the second workshop call - argued against duplicate PIDs for datasets, commented in doc re being able to round-trip - store mesh created datasets back in repos (at least have the APIs to allow it)


  • Coord re LocalContext early adopters program/meeting



  • Any follow-up re: user account changes, e.g. adding _2 to some, e.g. notification and/or, in cases where an _2 account is the one with the Dataverse account, trying to merge accounts? (Could be done on demand if users notice - my guess is that most/all DV accounts are just guestbook entries/download counts, so not having them attached to the more recent account doesn't really matter.)


  • Keycloak update to 24.0.2
  • Work on metadata issue #44 (more metadata to DataCite, etc.)
  • Work on MFA w.r.t. on authentication issue #43(MFA, etc.)
  • Fix Stata-14 ingest by allowing file inspection during direct upload or adjusting the Stata ingester.
  • Fix #113 if possible
  • Matomo - investigate event-level tracking via tag manager, remove non-working google scripts
  • AnnoRep - explore round-trip, configure auto-start and log rotation
  • Ops
    • check missing globalidcreationdates and fix via /modifyRegistration or alternative
  • Dataverse
    • Make PR for guestbook adding datasetversion fix
    • Popup info accessibility - IQSS likes the recommendations from the source I linked to, so this can be implemented along those lines.
  • QDAS Previewer
    • Updates per request
    • Investigate writing aux file/previewing lower-sensitivity version and/or other write options
  • TBD: FRDR Security