3 21 2022 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII) Hours (QDAS)
14-Mar-2022 Report, finish code for bold/italic/links in docx notes, investigate pdf case, start exploring rectangle positioning for anchor. 1 3
15-Mar-2022 Further investigate rectangle, explore multi-line case, consider design options for truncating on word boundaries. Update stage subjects, Weekly mtg 1 2
16-Mar-2022 Deploy Drupal core 9.3.8 sec update to dev, coord re: StorJ, update prod subjects per discussion 1
18-Mar-2022 Change stage robots.txt and banners, StorJ mtg. 1
19-Mar-2022 Merge final 5.10 to develop and no unzip branch, debug/workaround jenkins build issue, start storj install, explore zip efficiency/change to compress classes 3 1


  • Updated core to 9.3.8 (sec re: untrusted editors)


  • Fixed retrieving bold/italic/hyperlinks in notes from docx, started looking into how to get note styling in pdf.
  • Investigated rectangular bounds issue in pdf - no obvious translation issues, changing sizes slightly doesn't appear to help (e.g. no off-by-one errors), investigated non-rectangular anchors (e.g. multi-line) and considered design for limiting anchors to whole words.


  • Changed stage Drupal and Dataverse robots.txt to stop indexing, put up banner/text changes to indicate testing site. Documented process (currently need to manually repeat when updating/can make branches instead.
  • Fixed extra subjects on stage, and then prod - added Ag and Eng as additional subjects, changed others to Other on stage and removed from draft datasets on prod. Updated our citation.tsv and citation.properties files to match.
  • Started configuring StorJ on dev - failed to get valid/usable credentials so far.


  • Merged the final 5.10 release with our code, deployed to dev.
  • Investigated/worked around Jenkins issue with new use of $revision in pom files to allow builds to work. Will follow up with Seba.
  • Made some changes to the unzip code, hoping to improve speed. Investigated how to index offsets during the first run to potentially speed subsequent accesses.


  • $revision variable in pom files/use of parent pom in Dataverse - is updating maven required?


  • AnnoRep - continue to explore/fix docx/pdf github issues
  • Ops
    • Deploy multi-license ~v5.10 for testing on stage if/when it looks OK on dev (i.e. is something OK for AnnoRep testers working on stage)
  • Dataverse
    • Get StorJ configured
    • Popup info accessibility - IQSS likes the recommendations from the source I linked to, so this can be implemented along those lines.
    • QDAS planning/design/prototyping
      • Switch previewer to zipped mimetype
      • Add error handling for format variations
      • Assess whether zip access is enough/project/other files need to be cached as aux files, etc.
    • Still want to investigate the guestbook responses re version info not being included.
  • TBD: FRDR Security
  • Other tasks as discussed in strategic planning