2 22 2021 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII)
8-Feb-2021 Report, meeting, help debug J11 build issue 2
9-Feb-2021 Test builds for J11, update csv module 1
15-Feb-2021 AnnoRep - review status, react poc, review backup doc 1
17-Feb-2021 Fix title display on plain pages 2
18-Feb-2021 Manual deploy title fix to prod, review AnnoRep docs 1
19-Feb-2021 Update react/spring proj, add Document convert method, investigate large zip file failure, test 588MB file, fix style issue for upload progress bar/cancel button on all machines 2 4
20-Feb-2021 Debug/test react upload of aux files 2



  • Update csv module
  • Fix issue with title on plain pages being indented by 25%, deploy across machines


  • Fixed file upload progress bar/cancel button style issues, manual deploy to prod


  • Created a SpringBoot proof of concept that takes a Dataverse file ID and creates auxiliary files for pdf and annotations
    • java -jar to start web service
    • currently writes static pdf and annotation json files - to be replaced with outputs of real conversion
    • provides access to pdf/annotations after convert api called on document


  • Debug/test fix for Java 11 build issue
  • Investigated reported zip upload failure - only found connection closed issues in log, confirmed 588 MB zip upload works on dev


  • Anno-Rep work -- select library(ies) and start implementing conversion/annotation extraction code -- support use of Dataverse API as needed

Still TBD:

  • Drupal 9/composer 2/3
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