12.07.2020 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
@nniicc @adam3smith @stahs @qqmyers
Discussion Topics
- Seba - file hours.
Seba & Jim Coordination
- PostGres backups on dev - need documentation
- 5.2 ready for QA - question about value to doing this or waiting and also incorporating changes from 5.3 (I think former is better route, but would be good to touch base).
- Related - Make a decision around 5.1.1 --> "There are two options to get pid resolution logging on prod - do another 5.1.1 minor update or deploy 5.2. It's not much work to add the logging change to 5.1.1 so that would be a very quick option of we want that out now."
- 2 items from last week's meeting that SO was to look into:
- Jim had to manually migrate / move WAR files - as a result of Jenkins scripts not working properly (I think?)
- Issue 50 - which is related to sending emails about failed resolution of PID - we were going to look into sending emails with .py file in our repo ... Seba was going to look into Amazon services
2 other issues
- Removing load balancer on Dev (updates)
- Status of backups ?
- Issue 50
- Deploying 5.2
- AnnoRep prep
GSuite for nonSyracuse members of QDR that need email
- SK to work with SO to set up and get credentials correct for sending to / from qdr.org
Issue 50
- Machines are firewalled so not a problem with credentials being stored - I think discussion last week was whether or not we could come up with more elegant and effective solution - right now not a showstopper.
- Backups on DEV aren't where Drupal backups are typically stored...
- We done't actually have any documentation about what lives where and who has access... so...
- In documentation - we should make a table that consists of: What is backed up, on what machine, who has access, how often backups are refreshed (and anything else I am missing)
Deploying updates to DV
- 5.2 had a lot of interface and landing page issues that JM made design decisions around (documented in this weeks report) - these need to be thoroughly QA'd by SYR team
- 5.1.1 - has Pid resolution logging that we need on Prod (sooner rather than later)
- 5.3 is coming in another 1-2 weeks... This includes some work on a Kubernettes / Docker deployment has some changes to how PostGres connects to app (instead of all of Payara) - in theory we don't have any customizations that will be specific to QDR, but there are some backend changes that need attention... In terms of our Production environment - there is nothing in 5.3 that will be all that beneficial to us in short to medium term.... so...
Decision for Deployment
- 5.2 prototype is on Dev - JM will push to Stage for SYR QA over the next week
- 5.1.1 will push out to stage to make sure nothing breaks and then get on to PROD asap - should be able to do quick QA on Prod tomorrow AM.