12.05.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
- Can we shut down data.stage-aws-new.qdr.org/
Jim + Seba coordination:
- Matomo config / hardware requirements
- A+ job on the SSL report
- Holds important place for Seba to plan for QDR security future..
- Terraform Config drift ...
- Completed, removed some resources to simplify
- Upgrade - a few providers as well as Terrform itself
- Dockerize terraform
- Report
- Updates to get to current version of DV - prototypes out on dev and stage
- Had a few issues on Datacite - these are resolved now
- Group by folder has been updated (improved functionality)
- Guest book-at-request
- Some code changes between DV versions - looks to be more involved than just cut and paste from AUS dataverse
Seb to kill data.stage-aws-new.qdr.org/
Matomo - on premise is free. On-cloud its SaaS
- On Prod instance - we might need to free up some memory, but we're not worried about overhead
Documenting keys
- Who has what keys, when should we rotate them, and how often?
- Annual rotation probably makes sense
- Infra man; chef encrypted key; VPN
Data type and content type for RAB call... might be advanced QA push for that