10.05.2020 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
@nniicc @adam3smith @stahs @qqmyers
Discussion Topics
- None
Seba & Jim Coordination
- Item
From: https://teamqdr.slack.com/archives/C3R3U99L5/p1601854872021700
- resolved qdr-dev disk space issue jim mentioned
- added registration flow to tests and configured nightly purge of test users (qdrtest.*example.com)
- looked into 502 on dev errors and didn't find anything conclusive
- started prep work to update chef to support payara
For discussion:
- JWT from DataCite available for test server?
- GeoLite2 db request status?
For next week:
- Finish PRs for ongoing work
- Respond to SYR testing
On the horizon:
- Anonymization of datasets https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/issues/1724
- Log checking to detect unpublished data&dois being used https://github.com/QualitativeDataRepository/dataverse/issues/50