10.02.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
Things to discuss
- SK and NW access to server for DR
- We should flip the switch for encryption at rest for S3 buckets - any reservations/ protocol we should follow? (err - looks like its more expensive? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/bucket-encryption.html)
- Updates on documentation for Terraform
- Report
- Make data count update
- tag by folder sort
Server Access
- NW and SK have no Prod SSH credentials
- Seba can add us - NW probably needs some refreshed openVPN credentials
- Punt to next week
- We should all google to see if there are any reliable estimates on cost difference between encryption at rest on S3
- ASK Seba if he has any insights
- Shifting towards GAnalytics soon
- Wait and see right now - DataCite is weighing in
- Being updated - nbd
Sort by Tag
- People keep asking for the feature
- JM waiting to get approval to put the PR back in
- Helps get more of our fork into core codebase
ResourceType clamoring