10 14 2024 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
Logged Tasks
Date | Task | Hours (Main) | Hours (EOLS) | Hours (PII) | Hours (QDAS) |
7-Oct-2024 | Reporting, dig into Keycloak DB, find/fix acr loa setting, test ~all scenarios, try level2 w social - decide it won't work, plan to use mfaStatus only | 4 | |||
8-Oct-2024 | Add isprivUser API call, start checking in Drupal to manage mfaStatus setting | 4 | |||
9-Oct-2024 | Test adding message during login if bad mfastatus, stop redirect, start adding to controller, coord re: login history needs to show email, update stage login_history report (structure/views) | 3 | |||
10-Oct-2024 | Finish controller, improve messaging on profile form, add logic on Dataverse side to show similar message with redirect to /me/edit, cleanup code, remove acr logic, fix Oauth2 tests, deploy via Jenkins to dev, update QDR solr/lib fixes PR per review | 5 | |||
11-Oct-2024 | Add feature flag to require MFA in Dataverse, deploy to dev/stage, create step-by-step deploy notes for prod, test, find/fix/create PR for minor bug in DataCiteXML login #10919, review Keycloak latest version changes | 4 |
- Found/fixed db entry causing all SSO to fail on the dev machine
- Tried again to get both attribute and ACR triggered use of MFA to work together - seems to be possible for local accounts, but I could not find a way to handle it for social logins (using configuration options - probably possible with Keycloak code changes/plugins)
- Switched to just using an attribute (mfastatus - true = LDAP description = "MFA User", false when description = "UP User"), finished adding the choice to the reg form, user profile, user edit form
- Added a check to require MFA if the user is a Dataverse superuser or has an admin or curator role in Dataverse (not configurable, but could be). Created an API call in Dataverse that Drupal can call, allowing Drupal to show a warning that you'll need MFA to login to Dataverse. Added similar internal logic/message in Dataverse itself.
- Removed ACR-related logic from code and configs
- Deployed changes (inc. Dataverse 6.4-qdr and Drupal updated) to stage, tracked list of config changes required to enable MFA
- Read the release notes for the new Keycloak 26.0.x release - no critical security issues, updating/getting an update for the ORCID plugin remains the one known issue to updating from 24.0.5.
- Added email to the login_history report on dev/stage/prod per request (since username is no longer required to be the email)
- Added feature flag to make the new check for user's role optional, updated Oauth2 tests to handle both flag on/off paths
- Updated the Solr 9.6.1 PR/updated libs PR per reviewer request
- Found/fixed/made a one-line PR for a minor issue in the updated DataCite XML - having a Software Name and no Version resulted in an entry with a "null" for the version.
- FWIW: I was surprised to hear the Chicago HEAL folks getting an overview of Dataverse/Harvard's services around data - it sounded like they might play an active role in buying storage/managing collections for HEAL researchers, versus just connecting and harvesting metadata/ making data available in their platform. It wasn't clear if that's true or just Harvard's assumption.
- FWIW: At this point, the MFA branch is also the v6.4 branch
- Fix bugs/make updates based on testing feedback for MFA #43(MFA, etc.)
- Background work to change/remove deprecated Drupal modules in prep for 11.0.0
- Fix Stata-14 ingest by allowing file inspection during direct upload or adjusting the Stata ingester.
- Fix #113 if possible
- Matomo - investigate event-level tracking via tag manager, remove non-working google scripts
- AnnoRep - explore round-trip, configure auto-start and log rotation
- Ops
- check missing globalidcreationdates and fix via /modifyRegistration or alternative
- Dataverse
- Make PR for guestbook adding datasetversion fix
- Popup info accessibility - IQSS likes the recommendations from the source I linked to, so this can be implemented along those lines.
- QDAS Previewer
- Updates per request
- Investigate writing aux file/previewing lower-sensitivity version and/or other write options
- TBD: FRDR Security