10 11 2021 Tech Team Report - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Logged Tasks

                            Date             Task Hours (Main) Hours (EOLS) Hours (PII)
4-Oct-2021 Report, fix status label API call/test, mtg 2
5-Oct-2021 Curation label QA/testing coord, fix truncation in login-history view 1
6-Oct-2021 Fix test/merge issues for curation label PR, investigate/fix requirement for password in D9 update mail opt-in, merge feature9 into dev, update to 9.2.7, apply sec updates for gulp dev env., deploy to dev/stage/prod, investigate auto-deploy failure 4
7-Oct-2021 Investigate Google Search error, finalize ext. tools PR, add audio/x-m4a previewer to stage/prod 2
8-Oct-2021 Coord re: noindex on ATI paper, merge of ~5.7 3



  • Stop email addresses from being truncated in the login-history report (just a config change, no dev)
  • Removed requirement to enter password to change mail opt-in status
  • Updated to 9.2.7 and applied dev-environment security updates


  • Finished external curation label PR - fixing a couple minor api and doc issues found in QA testing
  • Merged ~5.7 with QDR customizations and deployed to dev.


  • Deployed Drupal9 changes to dev/stage/and prod.
  • Investigated failure of auto-deploy to prod: due to using php 7.3 there - the composer had chosen php 8 compatible libraries that are recorded in the composer.lock file which I copy from dev/stage. Trying to deploy these over php7.3 fails. Running composer update after the failed deploy allows composer to find/deploy php7.3 compatible libraries and complete a working install.
  • The fact that we got to this error also means that the mysql permission/upgrade issues we had previously were resolved by Seba using the 'force' upgrade api call.
  • Associated the audio previewer with the audio/x-m4a mime-type per request.
  • Coordinated in Google Search errors: looks like Google tried to index the main Drupal page at some point and got no content - asking them to retry it fixed the issue. Also had a noindex error for an ATI page which Sebastian fixed (the paper wasn't supposed to be indexed (and wasn't) but was in the sitemap which triggered the warning.)


  • Nothing new: Software updates: Ready for php 8 deploy, with postgres 9.6->13 at any time.


  • Dataverse
    • still want to investigate the guestbook responses re version info not being included.
  • Accessibility issues - only Dataverse issues remain
  • Anno-Rep work
    • Help with deployment to dev
  • TBD: FRDR Security
  • Other tasks as discussed in strategic planning