09.26.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
- Seba - Documentation around clean-up and terraforming
- Jim and Seba coordination
- Jim
- Report
- Path for guestbook-at-request updates. Coord meeting with ADA?
- AWS configuration backup needs to be updated (both the docs and we need a walkthrough to understand process)
- We should do the updates together - so that we understand how to restore completely without SEBA
- Broken server access - not related to last weeks restoration
- Backup for non-aws StorJ buckets at Syracuse (needs to be done)
- Credentials sent by cribnote to Jim
Discussion with JM
- What are requirements of QDR for ADA compliance with the guestbook?
- IQSS is doing additional work that has external tools triggering their guestbook
- Decision - we need nothing more than the guestbook feature in DV
- JM will reach out to ADA folks about potential meeting
- 5.12 - globus, initial remote stores, etc - not a ton relevant to us. JM will push to stage