09.25.2023 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


  • Seba will start to prep prod for keycloak

Jim - Two blockers (besides Seba's prep work):

  • ORCID: Institutional memberID calls from keycloak - in progress
  • DV 5.14: Indexing of datasets will change (become more efficient). We have a few datasets that were deleted from one table and not the other - JM needs to clean these out or we won't be able to reindex when we upgrade to 5.14

Next steps after keycloak - lets update!

  • Payara 6
  • Java 17 - we may need Seba
  • PostGres - recommend to be on 13, but we could go all the way up to 15 or 16 (latest stable release)
  • Solr 9.9(?)