08.22.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
- Updates on verifying QDR backups
Jim + Seba:
- Payara update for Seba
- Report
- Discussion: 1. API question from SK on slack; 2. QDAS update
- Seba has validated his credentials at SU
- Followed instruction to RDS - and for some reason not getting connected
- Last time we talked - we were discussing restore from backup
- IAM credentials needs full(ish) admin access; who should have that ...
- EC2 access, backup, security for encrypted backups ...
- Seba can assign the IAM credentials - so the idea is that all on this call can execute
- MFA - we need to setup for each of our accounts
Date for next scheduled disaster recovery exercise : Sept 12
- Jim (with white hat on) - described vulnerabilities discovered on Payara & DV
JM updates
- API for HEAL discussion - Not sure what the big picture is for API access. Metadata via API is standard.
- If they can talk shibboleth - that is possible for us...
- But we can implement multiple id systems - for example OAuth, but this brings up question of SSO
Using guestbooks for access requests
- AUS came back and are interested in collaboration
- Ticket describing this at IQSS is here https://github.com/IQSS/dataverse/pull/6902