07.31.2023 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
- N
Seba + Jim
- Dev monitoring failures
- Dev side - Dataverse side tried to redirect through passive auth; Jim directed straight to a page where auth agent gets credentials(?)
- The 302 that comes back (a three-step process to understand the passive login)
- Seba - changed Nagios monitoring (alerting on page size, Seba changed to 1kb)
- Go back to the 60kb size threshold in Nagios - see if we can understand if Jim's fix actually worked (b/c we don't actually want the threshold that low)
Alt issue:
- In future - JM will check in with Seba about LDAP updates when we get to OIDC migration. There are a few small implications for managing prod.
- Prep in future - dropping insecure TLS ciphers on edge (increases cybersecurity, and prevents m-i-m attacks, etc).
- https://github.com/QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam/wiki/7-31-2023-Tech-Team-Report
- OIDC update
- guestbook ready for QA
Google Auth / ID - requires that we have our app registered so we have to register QDR Google Admin
Already on dev
- integrate google (by adding google ) and orcid
- By next week we should have working prototype