07.18.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
Things to follow up on:
- Seba reconnected to SYR IT ?
- From last week: Only thing that can't be checked manually is whether or not synching to offsite backup at SYR is working (this includes (I think) both S3 buckets and INFRA config + SQL dumps)- Seba notes that this is a pull from SYR side - so he can verify once he gets reconnected/
- Updates
- QDAS - switching over to javascript approach to make searching through zip more efficient and fast
- MDC - a bit off through some postgres normalization - have tried on stage and dev, fix looks fine. Waiting for Seba reply on whether or not that might cause any problems....
To do:
- Jim, waiting for Q&A on a few small dataverse and drupal things
- Jim, resiliency for the homepage
- QDAS work is prriority