07.11.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki

To discuss:

  • Anything that we didn't catch up on from restore exercise?



  • Getting reconnected to SYR IT server for remote backups (to update us next week)


  • On restore - Only thing that can't be checked manually is whether or not synching to offsite backup at SYR is working (this includes (I think) both S3 buckets and INFRA config + SQL dumps)- Seba notes that this is a pull from SYR side - so he can verify once he gets reconnected/
  • 9.4.2 Drupal upgrades are minimal
  • Eventually, we are going to have to regenerate Archived Bags- see report for more details (but not a big deal)
  • DV 5.11 is out - IQSS will deploy for Harvard in a few weeks (So, we're first? :) )
  • Experimenting with German zip search/select tool for QDAS - might be more efficient than what is in our prototype but will take some more time to understand why