06.13.2022 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki

From last meeting:

  • Action item: Seba and SK will get in touch with ICT to regain access to SYR backup
  • Action item: Seba will make change to duply w/r/t symbolic links
  • Action Item: SK to set up billing with Colin for StorJ

This week:

  • Picking up disaster recovery?


  • Update on QDAS
  • Sync with SK on StorJ


  • Plan for doing disaster recovery

    • Question about cutting over DNS records or not
    • The cache expires at different times, and how the end user has things cached might cause interuptions
    • Maintenance window - avoid split brain of having two productions that are incongruent... We should take Prod down for an hour ...
    • Ordering problem - if we have to take down vs spin up in a certain order... Jim will coordinate with Seba on this
  • Point of this exercise is to improve documentaiton and verify the outage plan

  • Another thing to consider - is to create a backup purposefully

    • We should announce that we are going to do maintenance, do the backup, cutover, and then
  • Scheduling the sanity check ...

    • Are there benchmarks or things we should try to document to describe how well things did work or did not work ...
    • June 27th, July 4th