06.07.2021 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki
Previous week Updates
- SK - Dorkbot scans from SU
- Seba - create a page for Security testing suite we should develop
Team Discussion
- DV 5.5 on stage/dev - Prod?
Infrastructure updates
Development updates Jim's weekly report
Anno-Rep work:
- Compare w/ Hypothesis selectors
To discuss:
- Status tags for unpublished / curation tracking
- Cross linking data files outside of harvesting context
- DV 5.5 is on Prod
- Current bug in download counts for thumbnails but won't affect us
- JM fixed small but not relevant to QDR security patch for Drupal
- Will provide some guidance on VPN users (e.g. how many times should a user be able to login over a period of time)
- Our current approach is very permissive
- Will look for Shiboleth pen testing
- Do we have a log (JM thinks this may be in guestbook) of user downloads...
Multifactor Authentication with Shib
How complicated would it be to decouple LDAP from IDP?
- Jim - not really feasible without redoing major parts of Drupal and IDP
Linking / Referencing other datasets outside of harvesting contexts
- This may be a harvesting problem rather than a linking problem - if we could harvest targeted datasets this could work
- MIT was more interested in linking / referencing across platforms
- JM working on remote store
Curator permissions /tags
Assigned Tasks