05.01.2023 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


Jim and Seba

  • "perhaps we should backup/truncate the actionlogrecord table. It has 10M+ rows and is write-only. We probably should keep it for the ability to audit in the future, but no reason to back it up daily." ... Seba is going to work on this so we don't have such a large actionlogrecord working
  • Backup primary is working (and verified day of migration) the AWS backup bucket (our secondary backup for the entire machine configuration and file system) was not working properly, but now it is...
  • A few other things to verify ... "eventual consistency" ... monitoring and Nagios

Seba notes

  • Dataverse database - expected drop and reimport to function like SQL, but Postgres is weird about this dump process
  • SOLR had to be restarted
  • Drupal deployment failed and then worked with redeploy (Jim had to rollback a deploy b/c of permissions). Jim was able to do a small modification to Prod Drupal to get latest permissions fixed.