04.03.2023 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


  • 1st of the month reminder


  • How is stage looking

Issue 1: Swap Space

  • Seba - some stability issue (its a small instance (so this isn't surprising)
  • What we changed: Swap from 1gb -> 16gb (Seba); Max heap size 1gb->2gb (Jim) ... We could more easily monitor swap use on grafana...Overall diagnosis is that upping swap space brought Stage 2 in line with Stage 1 - so performance should be comparable

Issue 2: Auto restart

  • When machine starts to backup - AnnoRep server isn't set up to autostart (is also not doing log backups)
  • Dev and Stage should have same configs - but it looked like when SOLR AnnoRep and Docker were bounce by SO these three apps didn't respond immediately
  • docker_run - should solve use case for auto restart of Docker ...
  • Jim will find a systemD file for AnnoRep frontend

Issue 3: AnnoRep IP

  • Frontend environment variable is hardcoded IP address of the machine that annorep frontend is running on...
  • Can't be local host reference because it is running in Docker...


  • Jim is facing similar problem with keycloak
  • Resolution we need is to connect network between container and host (which is some kind of Docker command that Seba will look into ...) - Right now Jim is running two containers (and ideally we'd be able to use SQL endpoints that already exist rather than creating a new container)

With estimated two hours of work on Seba's end ... Stage will be complete.

Next Steps:

  • Identify time to do Prod...

Dev was down over the weekend

  • S3 gateway on StorJ wasn't responding
  • homepage thumbnails are stored in buckets -> we fail front-end components if S3 is down
  • Jim is working to make sure we cache thumbnails correctly -> we can more passively fail front end if S3 bucket is unavailable...


  • Made PRs to IQSS for correct hashing
  • SSO progress - login and logout working (oneway) - Still some work to get a working user demo ... On Jim's local machine the logout process looks smooth and quick (less time reloading) ... Next steps is to align / properly map some user variables to recognize account information in front-end components


  • Jim is out next Monday + Tuesday