01.30.2023 TT Agenda - QualitativeDataRepository/TechnicalTeam GitHub Wiki


  • 1st is Wed - please turn in sheets


  • What is the diagnosis on Friday and Saturday spikes? Is this a matter of encryption?



  • QDR backups - S3 bucket to ICT
    • 45gb Friday - write out is barely visible
    • 280gb Saturday - see a massive spike ($20) - many small files being written out... 3 folder sizes ... 61gb, 4gb, 206gb -> (10.5064 - which is our DOI so this makes sense)
    • The S3 encryption is what flags each new hash as needing archiving...
      • What are next steps: 1. Exempt the non-10.5064 buckets from backup; 2. Explore way to search by date for new files to archive


  • Keycloak internal users
  • AnnoRep errors thrown for To on line breaks - we can straighten these out with NCE