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Roadmap for Improving Section 508 Compliance in JMD

Fiscal Year Q4 (FY Q4):

Start Date: July 1, 2024 | End Date: September 30, 2024

  1. Public Feedback Mechanism (By September 30, 2024):

    • How: Set up or update a public feedback mechanism for accessibility issues on government websites and web applications.
    • Outcome: Enable users to report accessibility issues and ensure they are tracked, reviewed, and addressed.
  2. Policy Assessment and Plan (By September 30, 2024):

    • How: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of JMD policies to ensure ICT accessibility considerations are incorporated across electronic documents, software applications, multimedia creation, hardware, communication tools, telecommunications, and procurement.
    • Outcome: Comprehensive policies that embed accessibility into all relevant functions and are publicly available for transparency.

Fiscal Year Q1 (FY Q1):

Start Date: October 1, 2024 | End Date: December 31, 2024

  1. Annual Reporting (Starting October 1, 2024):

    • How: Report annually on JMD's compliance with Section 508 to OMB and GSA, including updates on government websites, web applications, and other key areas.
    • Outcome: Maintain ongoing compliance and demonstrate progress.
  2. Communication Tools (Emails) and Multimedia Creation (By December 31, 2024):

    • How: Update email templates and implement accessibility checks; ensure multimedia content includes captions and transcripts.
    • Outcome: Ensure all electronic communications and multimedia content are accessible.

Fiscal Year Q2 (FY Q2):

Start Date: January 1, 2025 | End Date: March 31, 2025

  1. Digital Accessibility Training (By March 31, 2025):

    • How: Develop and conduct regular training sessions for staff on accessibility standards and best practices, focusing on software applications, electronic documents, and hardware.
    • Outcome: Ensure all staff are knowledgeable about and compliant with accessibility standards.
  2. Accessibility Team Formation (By March 31, 2025):

    • How: Form a dedicated team of accessibility experts to oversee and enforce compliance in all key areas.
    • Outcome: Create a specialized team to drive accessibility initiatives and ensure compliance.

Fiscal Year Q3 (FY Q3):

Start Date: April 1, 2025 | End Date: June 30, 2025

  1. Accessibility Assessments and Feedback (By June 30, 2025):

    • How: Establish regular accessibility assessments and implement feedback mechanisms for users to report issues, particularly in telecommunications and hardware.
    • Outcome: Regular monitoring and proactive remediation of accessibility issues.
  2. Procurement and Vendor Collaboration (By June 30, 2025):

    • How: Integrate accessibility criteria into procurement documents and collaborate with vendors to verify product and service accessibility, especially for hardware and software.
    • Outcome: Ensure all procured products and services meet accessibility standards.

Fiscal Year Q4 (FY Q4):

Start Date: July 1, 2025 | End Date: September 30, 2025

  1. Continuous Improvement and Resource Allocation (By September 30, 2025):

    • How: Allocate resources for ongoing accessibility remediation and enhancements, focusing on communication tools and procurement processes.
    • Outcome: Ensure continuous improvement of accessibility across all digital platforms.
  2. Public Awareness and Training Programs (By September 30, 2025):

    • How: Launch awareness campaigns and provide training resources for content creators on accessibility best practices.
    • Outcome: Foster an inclusive culture that prioritizes digital accessibility.

Fiscal Year Q1 (FY Q1):

Start Date: October 1, 2025 | End Date: December 31, 2025

  1. Regular Content Review and Updates (By December 31, 2025):
    • How: Conduct periodic reviews and updates of digital content for accessibility compliance.
    • Outcome: Ensure all digital content remains accessible and compliant with Section 508 standards.

By following this roadmap, JMD aims to ensure comprehensive compliance with Section 508, promoting digital inclusivity and accessibility for all users.