Project Sprint Iterations - Quad22-Technologies/game_rec_wiki GitHub Wiki

Project completion date extended to August 9th:

Sprint Iterations:

Sprint 1: Introduction (June 10th - June 16th)

  • Objective: Familiarize the team with the project goals, scope, and requirements.
  • Activities:
    • Kickoff meeting to introduce the project, stakeholders, and team members (June 10th).
    • Review project documentation, including the project plan and requirements documents.
    • Establish communication channels and collaboration tools.
  • Deliverables:
    • Project kickoff report outlining key discussions, decisions, and action items.

Sprint 2-3: Database Development (June 17th - June 30th)

  • Objective: Design and develop the database architecture and schema.
  • Activities:
    • Requirements gathering for database design.
    • Database schema design and normalization.
    • Implementation of the database using PostgreSQL.
    • Integration testing to ensure data integrity and performance.
  • Deliverables:
    • Database schema documentation.
    • Completed database implementation.

Sprint 4-5: Java API Development (July 1st - July 14th)

  • Objective: Develop the Java API layer for interacting with the database.
  • Activities:
    • Design API endpoints and data models.
    • Implement RESTful API endpoints using Spring Boot framework.
    • Unit testing of API endpoints for functionality and reliability.
    • Integration testing to verify API functionality with the database.
  • Deliverables:
    • Functional Java API endpoints.
    • Test coverage reports for API endpoints.

Sprint 6-7: Frontend Development with Angular (July 15th - July 28th)

  • Objective: Develop the user interface using Angular framework.
  • Activities:
    • Design UI wireframes and user interface components.
    • Implement frontend components and pages using Angular.
    • Integrate frontend with backend API endpoints.
    • User acceptance testing (UAT) to validate frontend functionality.
  • Deliverables:
    • Fully functional frontend application.
    • User interface design documentation.

Sprint 8-9: Finalization and Delivery (July 29th - August 9th)

  • Objective: Finalize the project, address any outstanding issues, and prepare for deployment.
  • Activities:
    • Conduct final testing and bug fixes.
    • Performance optimization and code refactoring.
    • Documentation review and updates.
    • Deployment planning and preparation.
  • Deliverables:
    • Finalized project documentation.
    • Deployment package ready for production.

Overall Timeline:

  • June 10th - June 16th: Introduction
  • June 17th - June 30th: Database Development
  • July 1st - July 14th: Java API Development
  • July 15th - July 28th: Frontend Development
  • July 29th - August 9th: Finalization and Delivery

This adjusted timeline provides additional time for finalization, testing, and deployment activities, ensuring a smooth and successful project completion by August 9th.