Java Backend Setup - Quad22-Technologies/game_rec_wiki GitHub Wiki

Reference - What you will learn running and building the backend Service:

  1. Java - Java is a programming language
  2. JDK - is a development environment for building applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language
  3. Maven - used Java-based projects, helping to download dependencies, which refers to the libraries or JAR files
  4. Spring Boot - frameworks that developers use to build backend web apps
  5. MVC - Model, View, Controllers
  6. Apache Tomcat - Apache Tomcat is a popular open-source web server and Servlet container for Java code.
  7. HTTPS - the secure version of HTTP, which is the primary protocol used to send data between a web browser and a website
  8. Visual Studio Code- Integrated Development Environment(IDE)

Clone the repository in VS Code

  1. Open Visual Studio Code > Open a new terminal and navigate to your workspace folder.


  1. Type git clone to clone the student-service to your machine.


  1. Both repositories should be viewable in your source control window like so:


Download Java JDK

  1. Download Java 17 --> - compressed archive 2 Create a folder in Programs Files named Java - (we will map to it later) UnZip your Java JDK files into this folder


Development Environment Backend Set up

  1. Go to to download JetBeans TookBox

  2. Under tools search for Community Edition > Download the Community Version for IntelliJ

  3. Open IntelliJ > Open your clone project > File > open > navigate to your project folder

  4. You will receive a notification to load Maven Build scripts. > Click Load image

  5. in the project explorer window navigate to the StudentvueServiceApplication file image

  6. Right-click> Click Run studentvueService...main()

  7. In the output window you should see the following: image

  8. Notice the API Service is running on a local Web Server (Tomcat Server): port 8080 image

  9. Open a browser and navigate to url http://localhost:8080/api/allnames - you will see the JSON.... If you want you can use Postman image