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Game Recommendation Website Project Scope

1. Project Overview

The Game Recommendation Website is designed to help users discover new games based on their preferences and gaming history. The site will provide personalized game recommendations, user reviews, and social features to enhance the gaming experience.

2. Objectives

  • Develop a user-friendly website for game recommendations.
  • Implement a recommendation algorithm to suggest games based on user preferences and behavior.
  • Integrate user reviews and ratings to enrich the recommendation process.
  • Allow users to create profiles and follow other gamers for social interaction and recommendations.
  • Ensure cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness.

3. Features

  • User Registration and Profiles:

    • User sign-up and log-in (email).
    • Profile management (avatar?, bio, gaming preferences).
    • Game library to track owned games and wishlists.
  • Game Recommendation System:

    • Personalized recommendations based on user preferences and play history.
    • Filtering options (genre, platform, rating).
    • Recommendation explanation (why this game was recommended).
  • Game Database:

    • Extensive games database with detailed information (description, genre, release date, developer, platform).
    • Integration with external APIs? if we have time (e.g., IGDB, Steam).
  • Reviews and Ratings:

    • User-generated reviews and ratings for games.
    • Commenting and upvoting on reviews.
    • Display aggregated ratings and most helpful reviews.
  • Search and Discovery:

    • Advanced search functionality.
    • Trending and new release sections.
    • Personalized game lists (e.g., top picks, hidden gems).
  • Social Features:

    • Follow and connect with other users.
    • See friends' game libraries and recommendations.
  • Notifications:

    • Personalized notifications for new recommendations, friend activities?, and updates on followed games.
    • Customizable notification settings.

4. Technical Requirements

  • Frontend:

    • Angular for a dynamic and responsive user interface.
    • HTML5, CSS3, and TypeScript for the foundational web technologies.
    • Responsive design to ensure compatibility across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Backend:

    • Java with Spring Boot for the server-side application.
    • PostgreSQL for the relational database management system.
    • RESTful API for communication between frontend and backend.
  • Recommendation Algorithm:

    • Machine learning models to analyze user data and generate recommendations.
    • Use collaborative filtering and content-based filtering techniques.
  • Integration:

    • External APIs for game data? If we have time (IGDB, Steam).
    • Authentication with OAuth for social media integration (if time permits).

5. Project Phases

  • Phase 1: Planning and Design

    • Requirement gathering and analysis.
    • Wireframing and prototyping.
    • Technology stack selection.
  • Phase 2: Development

    • Set up the development environment.
    • Implement user registration and profile management.
    • Develop the game recommendation system.
    • Integrate the game database and external APIs.
    • Build the review and rating system.
    • Implement social features and notifications.
  • Phase 3: Testing

    • Unit testing and integration testing.
    • User acceptance testing.
    • Bug fixing and optimization.
  • Phase 4: Deployment and Maintenance

    • Deploy the website on a hosting platform.
    • Monitor website performance and user feedback.
    • Regular updates and feature enhancements.

6. Timeline

  • Planning and Design: 1 weeks
  • Development: 7 weeks
  • Testing: 1 weeks
  • Deployment and Maintenance: Ongoing

7. Risks and Mitigation

  • Data Privacy: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Algorithm Accuracy: Continuous improvement and testing of the recommendation algorithm.
  • User Engagement: Regular updates and community engagement to retain users.

This project scope provides a comprehensive outline to guide the development of the Game Recommendation Website using Angular, Java, and PostgreSQL. It ensures that all essential features and requirements are addressed for a successful launch.