Assignment Due Monday Close of business - Quad22-Technologies/game_rec_wiki GitHub Wiki

Tasks for Next Week Due Monday close of business.

  1. Pull Down the Backend:

    • Everyone should pull down the game_rec_backend repository.
    • You should see a list of folders that mimic your database structure.
  2. Create a Branch:

    • Before doing anything, create a branch off the master branch.
    • Note that the master branch is locked. No one can push directly to it unless their code has been reviewed.
  3. Folder Assignment and Task:

    • Each team member should pick a folder and create the following:
      • A controller class
      • A service class
      • A repository class
      • A model (object)
  4. Task Assignment:

    • Abed will assign tasks to each individual, specifying the folder they are responsible for.
  5. Deadline:

    • The task should be completed by the close of business on Monday.
  6. Database Script and Application Properties:

    • Rerun your database script.
    • Check the file to ensure you have the correct username and password.
  7. Class Integration:

    • When you create your controller, repository, and service class, add these classes to the base packages inside your file.
  8. Testing:

    • Test your APIs thoroughly.

You are welcome to complete these tasks over the weekend if you prefer. Let me know if you have any questions.


Xavier we are going to start deploying our database and APIs The following week so make sure you start doing some research