How to NXP Mfg tool to flash all eMMC flash - Qspace/EA-Board GitHub Wiki

Why Mfg?

Basically, EA board default configuration is boot on eMMMC flash.

You can change the slide switch to choose boot from:



-Fuse source(valid when OTP fuse = 1): it contains various boot peripheral which available for IMX6SoloX boot rom.

EA board does not support boot from SD card by default(OTP fuse =0) like NXP Sabre board or UdooNEO board, so there is one way to re-flash uboot img to eMMC flash: Use Mfg tool

For use Mfg tool(only available on Window), first time you need set EA slide switch to boot on OTG.

Mfg work flow?

Detai on "Manufacturing Tool V2 Work Flow.docx"

You need change config.ini and ucl2.xml file to tell Mfg tool where to get binary file and which LIST name on ucl2.xml will be executed.

There a 2 types of binary file:

  1. The ram kernel and the corresponding U-Boot run on the target board.
  2. The normal kernel and the corresponding U-Boot which will be used by end user on the target.

(1): Can use the default files provide by MFG tool or re-built using Yocto bibake fsl-mfg.... and store in firmware dir (2): Actual binary files for your linux system. You can build it by Yocto or from scratch

  • files/SPL
  • files/u-boot.bin
  • files/bootsript
  • files/dtb
  • files/uImage
  • files/rootfs