Opening - Qosmetics/UnityProject GitHub Wiki

Opening the project

Now that you have a local copy of the project, you probably want to be able to use it with unity so that you can actually make models for qosmetics. There are multiple ways to open the project:

  • Having Unity Editor installed separately and opening the scenes directly
  • Adding the project to Unity Hub and using that to open it

Opening directly

If you have the Unity editor installed directly, without Unity Hub, then you can just open the project by heading to Assets/scenes/whackers.unity and opening the project using that. Doing this if you use Unity Hub though might cause Unity to open the project with the wrong unity version. This would mean that you could mess up the project in some ways as the upgrade / downgrade process for unity projects isn't as ideal as you'd want it to be.

TL, DR: You can open the project using the file located at Assets/scenes/whackers.unity

Unity Hub

If you have Unity Hub and use that for managing your unity projects, you can add the newly downloaded project using the Add button in the main Unity Hub menu:

Add project from disk

After you select the Add project from disk option just browse to the location you stored the project and select the root folder, now the project is added, and you can open it by just clicking it!

Now you should be seeing a view much like this one:

Unity Editor

To continue, you should probably get familiar with the layout of the project, this can be found in the next part of the guides:

Project layout