KMSoundOverride - Qkrisi/ktanemodkit GitHub Wiki
public class KMSoundOverride : MonoBehaviour
Add this component to a prefab to specify an AudioClip that should be played whenever the given sound effect is triggered instead of the original game's audio.
public SoundEffect OverrideEffect;
The sound effect in the base game to replace.
public AudioClip AudioClip;
The AudioClip to be played instead of the base game's sound.
public AudioClip[] AdditionalVariants;
If you want to provide additional variants that will be chosen randomly to play for this override
public enum SoundEffect
This enumeration holds the sound effects of the base game.
Values: ButtonPress
, ButtonRelease
, BigButtonPress
, BigButtonRelease
, WireSnip
, Strike
, AlarmClockBeep
, AlarmClockSnooze
, Switch
, GameOverFanfare
, BombDefused
, BriefcaseOpen
, BriefcaseClose
, CorrectChime
, BombExplode
, NormalTimerBeep
, FastTimerBeep
, FastestTimerBeep
, LightBuzz
, LightBuzzShort
, Stamp
, TypewriterKey
, NeedyActivated
, WireSequenceMechanism
, SelectionTick
, PageTurn
, DossierOptionPressed
, FreeplayDeviceDrop
, BombDrop
, MenuDrop
, BinderDrop
, MenuButtonPressed
, TitleMenuPressed
, CapacitorPop
, EmergencyAlarm
, NeedyWarning