How To Build - Qiu233/QTRHacker GitHub Wiki

Here's a tutorial to help you compile this hack.

Structure of solution.

This solution is made up of several projects as well as some pre-prepared resources such as Content and dlls.
src dir contains all projects.
Content contains the static resources to be packed with the hack when published.
refdlls contains the bins used by this hack but cannot be referred as Nuget package.
GameRefs contains the bins from game, this directory will update when game updates.


The recommended IDE for this hack is Visual Studio 2022.
You should make sure the following components are installed.

  • .NET Framework 4.6 SDK or above
  • .NET 5 SDK
  • VC++ v143
  • C++/CLI support for v143


With everything's done, open the solution file with Visual Studio and press Ctrl + F5.
If you don't want to install/use Visual Studio, you can find several batch files in the solution root to build the hack.